Resultado de la búsqueda
20 documentos en 0,09 segundos
responden a los criterios que formulaste
(que contengan las palabras
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2 |
Clasificación |
Cutter |
Título |
Autor |
Autores |
Media |
Copias Disp. |
Edición |
595.7 HYD | COMPRA | british butterflies : book 1 |
Hyde, George |
Hyde, George |
Libro |
1 - | 1973 |
595.7 HYD | COMPRA | british butterflies : book 2 |
Hyde, George |
Hyde, George |
Libro |
1 - | 1973 |
595.7 PAR | | Butteflies and moths a kaleidoscope of living colour. |
Parenti, Umberto |
Parenti, Umberto |
Libro |
1 - | 1972 |
595.7 KLO | | Butteflies of the world. |
Klots, Alexander |
Klots, Alexander |
Libro |
1 - | 1976 |
595.7 TWE | COMPRA | Butterflies and Moths a kaleidoscope of living colour |
Tweedie, Michael |
Tweedie, Michael |
Libro |
1 - | 1972 |
595.7 FER | COMPRA | Butterflies of day and night. |
Ferdinand, Charles |
Ferdinand, Charles |
Libro |
1 - | 1954 |
595.7 DEA | COMPRA | Butterflies of South América. |
d'abrera, Bernard |
D'Abrera, Bernard |
Libro |
1 - | 1984 |
595.7 KLO | COMPRA | Butterflies of the world |
Klots, Alexander |
Klots, Alexander |
Libro |
1 - | 1976 |
595.7 WAR | DONACIÓN | Butterflies of the world |
Ward, Richard |
Ward, Richard |
Libro |
1 - | (circa 1970) |
595.7 LEW | DONACIÓN | Butterflies of the world |
Lewis, H.L. |
Lewis, H.L. |
Libro |
1 - | 1973 |
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